Sorry for this probably stupid question. They didn't help me, but maybe they'll help you help me. Here's the pdf to some instructions I found online. Am I missing something necessary to use this speaker system on my pc and or pc case? I don't have anywhere that's black or yellow to plug that cord in, (Unless I'm blind) and I don't see how plugging anything into a jack for a microphone would work.
(I'll include a picture for this as well) There's also a green and pink one on the front of my PC, but they are not labeled. A green one labeled 'Line Out' And finally, a pink one labeled MIC. On the back of my PC, I have blue jack labeled 'Line In'. There's a cord that has 2 green ends labeled 'A', and a cord that has four ends, a black, and yellow for each side, all labeled 'B' (I'll include a picture)
The only instructions are of a picture on the box, and the picture is not at all helpful. So you might shake your head and laugh, but I have absolutely no idea where exactly I'm supposed to plug each chord into on my pc.